当前位置: 鱼小数问卷 > 免费模板 > 外国留学生VPN调研

Q1 :Q1:Do you know what’sthe VPN? It’s a necessary way to bypass GFW’s access to the internet.
Q2 :Q2:You use the VPNfrequency?
Q3 :Q3:What operating systemdo you usually use?
Q4 :Q4:What do you want topay for the VPN
Q5 :Q5:What do you thinkwhich is the most important for VPN
Q6 :Q6:Which of thefollowing functions is helpful for you
Q7 :Q7:We are dedicated to international students to provide personalized services, currently mainly to provide Virtual Private Network services.If you are interested in our products and services, please visit www.funscall.com orWeChatOfficial Accounts:FunscallIn order to receive questionnaire gifts, please leave your message:
Q8 :Q8:If you would like to be our product's Campus Ambassador, please leave this information: