当前位置: 鱼小数问卷 > 免费模板 > 关于外国人汉语学习的调查问卷

Q1 :姓名(your Chinese name):
Q2 :国籍(nation):
Q3 :年龄(age):
Q4 :职业(profession):
Q5 :性别(sex):
Q6 :来中国多长时间了?(How long have you been in China ?)
Q7 :来中国之前学过汉语吗?学过的话,多长时间? (Have you ever studied Chinese before you came to China?How long do you learn Chinese? )
Q8 :您为什么学汉语?Why do you learn Chinese? (multiple-choice)
Q9 :每天下课后学习汉语的时间多长?(How long do you take to learn Chinese after class every day? )
Q10 :完成课本上的作业以外,您还喜欢怎么学汉语?(In addition to completing the textbook assignments,how do you love to learn Chinese ?(Multiple choices)
Q11 :您喜欢的上课方式是什么?(What is your love class?(Multiple choices)
Q12 :在中国生活,最难的是什么?( What is the most difficult in your Chinese life(multiple choices)?
Q13 :汉语课上,最难学的是什么? (What is the most difficult to learnin Chinese class ?) (multiple choices)
Q14 :结业后有什么打算?What will you do after graduation? (multiple-choice)
Q15 :您为什么来中国?(Why did you come to Chinese (multiple choices)?
Q16 :您认为在中国的大学生活怎样?(What do you think of college life in China? )
Q17 :您认为您的中文水平怎样?(What do you think of your Chinese? )
Q18 :您认为中国的科技实力如何?(What do you think of China's scientific and technological strength?)
Q19 :您认为中国的高等教育水平怎样?(What do you think of the level of higher education in China? )